Grandpa’s Knit Vests
Here is Grandpa’s Favorite Vest as a replacement for the shudder-worthy men’s knit vests that came with Cats & Dogs. There are two different styles for the feline and canine vest.
Here is Grandpa’s Favorite Vest as a replacement for the shudder-worthy men’s knit vests that came with Cats & Dogs. There are two different styles for the feline and canine vest.
I love this outerwear outfit that came with Seasons. It looks so awesome on the ladies that I wanted to make a version for them!
Puffer jackets for the whole family in a camouflaged print and a Sherpa lining. Download now and keep your Sims toasty warm!
I couldn’t wait to update the weird patterned layered jacket that came with City Living. Enjoy this new men’s Overcoat and Vest in a variety of textures!
Your Sims gentlemen will be warm in a cozy toggle button sweater during the cold autumn days & nights! Features 25 color swatches with white or black t-shirts.
Merry Happy Christmas to my fellow Simmers! I hope you’re enjoying the holiday season. My feet are quite cold, perhaps yours are too? Here are twelve warm quilts to help keep your Sims toasty.
One of my favorite items to make for the Sims is maternity clothes. There is something delicate and graceful about the loose flowing designs of maternity clothing.
Origin/EA ID: streneesims
PACKS: All BUT Journey to Batuu
site updates
Creating Again
I’m somewhat back creating. 2024 has been a crazy year for me personally due to family events. My apologies for going MIA!
~strenee 10.26.24
Read > My Life Mini-Blog
• New Lots
• Easy Landscaping
• 1970s Stuff
• Hello Kitty for the Girls
• Superheroes for the Guys
25 Years of Doing Nothing on the Internet
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